Effect of Local Microorganism Utilization to Increase Productivity of Javanese Turmeric (Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb.)

Lucky Lia Faiza(1), Poppy F. Arifin(2), Waras Nurcholis(3), Taufik Ridwan(4), Latifah K Darusman(5), Raphael Aswin Susilowidodo(6), Rosalina Wisastra(7)
(1) SOHO Centre of Excellence in Herbal Research (SCEHR), SOHO Global Health,
(2) SOHO Centre of Excellence in Herbal Research (SCEHR), SOHO Global Health,
(3) Tropical Biopharmaca Research Center, Bogor Agricultural University,
(4) Tropical Biopharmaca Research Center, Bogor Agricultural University,
(5) Tropical Biopharmaca Research Center, Bogor Agricultural University,
(6) SOHO Centre of Excellence in Herbal Research (SCEHR), SOHO Global Health,
(7) SOHO Centre of Excellence in Herbal Research (SCEHR), SOHO Global Health


The quality of javanese turmeric as one of the most widely use herb in Indonesian traditional medicine, is often ignored and unoptimized. Therefore, research on Javanese turmeric cultivation become critical to be performed.One of crucial aspect is sufficiency of water and nutrients to increase rhizome productivity during vegetative period. Therefore, fertilization plays an important role in increasing soil macronutrients content and ultimately enhance Javanese turmeric’s quality.The aim of this research is to determine the potential  of addition  local microorganism (LMO) solution as an  organic fertilizer on rhizome production and bioactive content of Javanese Turmeric .

The research on LMO application for Javanese turmeric plantation was conducted at Soho Center of Excellence in Herbal Research (SCEHR). LMO was made by utilizing local waste of snail and fruits collected from around plantation area. Three different groups of treatment were applied, one group as a control and  two groups were treated by additional LMO along vegetative period. The measured parameters were weight of rhizome, curcuminoid and xanthorrhizol levels. The results showed that LMO addition to the regular fertilization able to increase Javanese turmeric productivity and shorten both vegetative and generative period of time while maintain its quality. It can be  concluded that LMO application is also good approach for both field, Javanese turmeric agriculture and natural medicine.

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Lucky Lia Faiza
lucky.lia@sohoglobalhealth.com (Primary Contact)
Poppy F. Arifin
Waras Nurcholis
Taufik Ridwan
Latifah K Darusman
Raphael Aswin Susilowidodo
Rosalina Wisastra
Effect of Local Microorganism Utilization to Increase Productivity of Javanese Turmeric (Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb.). (2018). Jurnal Jamu Indonesia, 3(2), 62-67. https://doi.org/10.29244/jji.v3i2.55

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How to Cite

Effect of Local Microorganism Utilization to Increase Productivity of Javanese Turmeric (Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb.). (2018). Jurnal Jamu Indonesia, 3(2), 62-67. https://doi.org/10.29244/jji.v3i2.55

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