About the Journal
Jurnal Jamu Indonesia (JJI) or Indonesian Journal of Jamu is a journal published by the Tropical Biopharmaca Research Center (TropBRC), IPB University, which is the University Center of Excellence Program (PUI-PT) for herbal medicine. JJI is published three times a year with ISSN (print) numbers 2407-7178 and eISSN (online) 2407-7763. JJI has been accredited by SINTA 4 according to Decree Number 21/E/KPT/2018). Articles published by JJI have been selected by editors and reviewed by experts in their fields. JJI publishes manuscripts through reviews, communications, and original research articles.
Jurnal Jamu Indonesia has been indexed in Dimensions, GARUDA, SINTA, Google Scholar, ISJD Neo, Mendeley, Indonesia ONESearch.