Characterization and The Effects Analysis of Purple-fleshed Sweet Potato Extract (Ipomoea batatas [L.]) Administration on Triglyceride Concentration and Pancreatic Histopathology Profiles of Triton X-100-induced Hyperlipidemia in Rats

Kintoko(1), Hardi Astuti Witasari(2), Rizky Nurdhillah(3), Tsania Taskia Nabila(4)
(1) Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan,
(2) Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan,
(3) Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan,
(4) Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta


Hypertriglyceridemia occurs when the triglyceride levels are increasing from the normal (>150 mg/dL) and it causes pancreatitis at a dose of more than 885 mg/dL. The triglyceride-lowering medicines consumption has several side effects on various organ systems. The plant-based medicine (phytomedicine) alternatives have been observed as the synthetic medicine substitution. Purple-fleshed sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas [L.]) contains anthocyanin that has proven to carry out the antioxidant mechanism and the capability to be used as anti-hypertriglyceridemia. This study aims to identify the activity of purple-fleshed sweet potato extracts on triglyceride levels and the histopathological profile of rats' pancreas-induced Triton X-100. Twenty-five male Wistar rats of week 8th were divided into five groups. The normal (N) group was treated with saline solution, and the treatment (T) groups were a single dose of 100 mg/kg of body weight (BW) Triton X-100 and purple-fleshed sweet potato extracts of 175 (T1); 350 (T2); and 700 (T3) mg/kg BW, while the negative (C-) control group was mere induced by a single-dose Triton X-100 of 100 mg/kg BW. The blood serum was isolated and the pre-and post-test was subsequent conducted. The triglyceride serum levels and histopathological data were analyzed by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test and Kruskal-Wallis post-test statistical analysis. The results showed that Triton X-100-induced treatment could significantly increase the triglyceride levels compared to the normal group (P<0.05). The purple-fleshed sweet potato extracts started to lower the triglyceride level at a dose of 700 mg/kg BW (51.83 ±19.15(%)). The extract doses of 175 and 350 mg/kg BW could not reduce the triglyceride level significantly (3.03±2.77 and 5.63±4.24 (%), respectively). A dose of 700 mg/kg BW did not damage the exocrine gland and Langerhans islet of hyperlipidemia rat pancreas treated by Triton X-100. 

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Hardi Astuti Witasari (Primary Contact)
Rizky Nurdhillah
Tsania Taskia Nabila
Characterization and The Effects Analysis of Purple-fleshed Sweet Potato Extract (Ipomoea batatas [L.]) Administration on Triglyceride Concentration and Pancreatic Histopathology Profiles of Triton X-100-induced Hyperlipidemia in Rats. (2022). Jurnal Jamu Indonesia, 7(2), 62-71.

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Characterization and The Effects Analysis of Purple-fleshed Sweet Potato Extract (Ipomoea batatas [L.]) Administration on Triglyceride Concentration and Pancreatic Histopathology Profiles of Triton X-100-induced Hyperlipidemia in Rats. (2022). Jurnal Jamu Indonesia, 7(2), 62-71.

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